FullHeal App

App Design

Project Overview

FullHeal is a nutrition app to guide people with dietary restrictions such as celiac, and lactose intolerance. It also helps people who want to simply eat healthier.

Project Duration

3 Weeks

My Role

Sole UX/UI Designer
The challenge was to design an app that allows users to find healthy recipes for their specific diet restrictions, allowing them to track their daily macros and symptoms.

Competitive Analysis

To learn more about the competitors I did a competitive feature analysis where I took 4 direct competitors to see what features they have in common, and which features might be the ones that users would like to see.

Market Positioning Map

To learn what the ideal brand position is for FullHeal I created a Market Positioning Map. Where I compared the nutritional information and the feel of the apps.

Feature Competitive Analysis

To learn more about the competitors I worked on a competitive feature analysis where I took 4 direct competitors to see what features they have in common, and which features might be the ones that users expect to see, like dietary plans and recipes.

User Interviews

Five user interviews were done, where I asked potential users about their needs and frustrations when trying to eat healthy. One of the key insights was the following: The most frustrating part is how much misinformation exists in the pursuit of healthy diets.

Affinity Diagram

With the information collected from the user interviews, I was able to create an affinity diagram in where I grouped similar insights and created categories.
"The most frustrating part about cooking for a diet restriction is how much misinformation exists in the pursuit of healthy diets."
~Jake H.

User Persona

The user persona created for this project was Deborah Elliot who is a young and busy professional. Some of her goals are to find recipes for her diet restriction, be able to see the nutritional information for each recipe and have a variety of them.

Information Architecture

To help organize our content and the structure of the website I created a site map and a user flow.


I created a site map to help me understand the main tabs that will be used on the app and how they will be structured. 

User Flow

A user flow was created to help me understand how users will navigate the app when choosing a dietary plan and selecting a recipe.

Choosing a Dietary Plan

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Low-fidelity wireframes were created to build the path for choosing a dietary plan. These screens were tested with users. Some usability findings were:

Usability Findings

  • Users weren’t sure what the icons in the navigation bar meant.
  • Users weren’t able to see all the recipes. Only "Top and Favorite Recipes" were shown.
  • More screens needed to be added for users to understand the complete user flow.

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

After implementing the usability findings, I created mid-fidelity wireframes. These screens were tested again with users and the findings were:

Usability Findings

  • Users wanted to see macros in each recipe.
  • The sort by popup was a little confusing for some users. It was recommended to use the terms “lowest and highest” instead of “fewer”
  • Users wanted to see a confirmation screen after they select a plan.
  • Change the wording “More Plans” to “Select Plans” on the dietary plans screen.
  • Add a caption to the filters screen with a small explanation.

Mood Board

The main brand attributes were: Healthy, Playful, Friendly, Cheerful, and Confident. With these attributes we want users to feel energetic and confident about their dietary decisions when using the app.

Style Guide

The style guide helps developers to maintain a consistent look for the entire app.

Style Guide

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Keeping in mind the usability findings, I was able to design high-fidelity wireframes. These are the most important screens.


After users login or create an account, the app will ask them about their goals and preferred diet.


Recipes are shown according to the dietary plan that users choose. They can also easily switch between plans.


Users are able to track their macros and add the meals they consume throughout the day and detail the results.

Filter and SORT BY

Users can filter any undesired ingredients and sort recipes by cooking time, calories, and ingredients.


Welcome to check FullHeal prototype here.



This project was a good reminder of how important user interviews are.


Finding macros that were important for people with dietary restrictions and finding more information about the ingredients that users might avoid was challenging. I also had to work on a few color iterations to match my brand attributes while keeping a pleasing and clean design.


Users can give you a lot of insights about a project and make you rethink your decisions. This project was a good example of that. Since this is a subject I'm familiar about I had a lot of assumptions with the features and flow but some of them changed once I started interviewing users.


study case



Smoked Meeting Express

UX/ UI Study Case